Talk:Main Page

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Additional stuff I have collected: PMA torrent:

Pony Archive (searchable):

Pony music:


I'll unlock the main page Ponybro (talk) 19:54, 16 October 2023 (PDT)


nvm you can deal with the table aids

>he put the hot glue booru


how the fuck do we delete the fucked up pages in

oh wait that's how you did the thing, looks awwful tho

issue: ppl will search /generalgoeshere/ in the chatbar and it will fuck them up, def need fix

>how the fuck do we delete the fucked up pages in

>oh wait that's how you did the thing, looks awwful tho

what were you referring to? the redirects?

>issue: ppl will search /generalgoeshere/ in the chatbar and it will fuck them up, def need fix

fuuuck. the only thing i think I can do is if i change the wiki URLs to be at like wikipedia uses. that or just put a thing on the main page telling people that the links are weird. they discourage having articles directly after the domain in the URL for exactly this kinda shit, and i can't really find a workaround because who the hell else is starting articles with /

>what were you referring to? the redirects?

ye, the create/ looks wacky, but if it works, it works ig

>i can't really find a workaround because who the hell else is starting articles with /

reeeeeeeeeee i havent looked at all the documentation but maybe there can be a workaround

i also despise the reddit spacing if you havent noticed, btw

the spacing is aids but im pretty sure mediawiki predates reddit

if you find something please let me know. maybe i'll go bitch on their support page tomorrow

also thanks a ton for helping out m80

np anon. ill try to finish up with the gens by this week and then ill move onto the other events and shit, but not too much becuz im not spoonfeeding sum fuckin newfags

Events to cover:

>birth of /mlp/

>mom visits

>The Scruffening (maybe)

>im not writing about /mlpol/



>MA "buy my book" Larson vistis

>/qb/ invasion


>ms. /mlp/

>Mare Coin

>Mare Fair


>Anni stream


should all generals be collapsed into their // form or should they be named after the op topic

ig // unless they dont have a topic. we could do redirects for pages with their full topic name, or maybe put the redirs on the // pages that go to the full topic. i dicked with the configs and kinda screwed it up a bit (sorry for the downtime/weird issues) // pages only work right if we have a url like i can't find any way around it (i am retard tho but i doubt anyone else is trying to start pages with a slash that also uses a short url like this wiki does, its just an obscure thing)