Dead Generals

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generals, generals, generals! eternal is the general!

cond: ded for over 2 years?

note: collecting ded generals, will update as i go sift through the greens ive read

has to be an actual general, not a one shot off thing

Whore Pony Thread -> Homeless Whore Thread -> Homeless Whore/Crack pony thread

Bimbo Pony Thread

Content Creator thread (tempo precursor)

bully/School Shooter General >>30703229 >>1564925

Trixie Tuesday


Dadonequuus <-- i think it got rebirthed but its ded again so idk

Steam Together <-- precursor of mlp gaming

Demon Pony General

/grave/ / niche fetish graveyard

use /mg/ (only had one thread lol) >>29469095

Pony Pet General <-- spg precursor

FUCK that one general that had a dark version of anon who worked at nightmare moon's will nvm its sim

marital problems


Demon Ponies Thread <-- only see 2 threads, search for more

Show Discussion Thread